BC Opioid Treatment Access Line
CMAW is happy to see that the BC Government continues to expand on the resources offered to treat opioid-use disorder in BC.
If you are in BC and struggling with addiction please reach out for help.
New provincewide Opioid Treatment Access Line provides same-day access to care.
The Opioid Treatment Access Line is a provincewide telephone-based health service. People
struggling with opioid addiction can call the toll free Access Line for immediate assistance from
a dedicated team, including doctors and nurses, who can prescribe life-saving opioid agonist
Opioid Treatment Access Line – 1-833-804-8111 toll-free
To learn how B.C. is building better mental-health and addiction care, visit: https://gov.bc.ca/BetterCare
To learn more about the Opioid Treatment Access Line, visit: https://HelpStartsHere.gov.bc.ca/OpioidTreatment
To learn more about the Tailgate Toolkit program for trades workers, visit: https://thetailgatetoolkit.ca
To find a treatment option that works for you, visit: https://HelpStartsHere.gov.bc.ca
To learn how government is working to keep people and communities safe, visit: https://strongerbc.ca/SafeCommunities
To learn more about Road to Recovery’s new model of seamless addictions care, visit: https://news.gov.bc.ca/files/RecoveryGraphic.pdf