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A Message from Chris Wasilenchuk, President

8 Sep2019

At the CMAW 7th Convention, held at the River Rock Casino Resort, I was humbly elected as the new President for our Organization and I can tell you it was a very emotional moment for me. Not only because of the overwhelming support and encouragement I have received but also because I understood the significance of the oath I was making. 

I would like to thank my predecessors, who have carefully crafted a strong foundation for me to continue to build upon. CMAW has grown and I, along with the strong members of the Executive Board, plan to continue to grow our Organization and increase our membership. 

I would also like to acknowledge the good working relationships we have built with all of our contractors and employers. They have worked hard with us to ensure our members are not only employed but also enjoy strong benefit plans, pensions and safe work environments. 

The future of CMAW is bright and there are some very exciting projects coming to fruition that will see many, many of our members working at something they can be proud of and I am very honored that I have been entrusted to lead our Organization during such exciting times.